We strive to ensure that listings on macupdate.com reflect the most up-to-date version publicly available to users; this occasionally results in listings offering beta downloads. We also try to support users with different hardware and operating system configurations; this occasionally results in listings offering downloads to old versions that run on older OS's and hardware.

In order to accommodate a multiplicity of download links, MacUpdate editors will list variant downloads, which can be accessed by hovering the download or Install w/ MacUpdate Desktop buttons:

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MacUpdate editors will base the app info page's version number and primary download link on the most recent, highest version number available. This may result in beta versions superceding stable versions as the primary version in a listing. If a developer feels that this is an issue and would prefer we maintain a different development channel as the primary version in a listing, we encourage them to reach out to us through our Contact form, or email our content team directly at updates@macupdate.com and let us know.

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